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Looking for something new?

If you're bored with basic textbooks, our prompt book


Writing Conversational Korean for Beginners might be what you're looking for!


Something New

Writing Conversational Korean For Beginners

 is the only book of it's kind.

It's completely unique and we're really proud of it!

Completely Unique

It's the only book made for beginners that's designed around making personalized sentences.

In the book we give you writing prompts and gently guide you through the process of answering them in your own words.

"What's your favorite season?"

"Do you prefer cats or dogs?"

"What are you worried about lately?"

With this book, you get help answering these questions yourself!


Learn More Effectively

This book gets you writing personalized sentences.

And when you make personalized sentences using language that's relevant to you, you are more engaged with what you are learning.

You're more likely to retain the information and learn more effectively.

Improve Your...

Writing Skills: by creating your own sentences

Grammar Skills: by solving practice problems

Vocab Skills: by using vocab tables and using your own

Reading Skills: by reading example answers

Conversation Skills: read an example conversation and learn natural expressions

General Knowledge: each chapter also contains interesting information about Korea 


Gentle Guidance

We don't throw you in the deep end.

On every page we offer support and guidance to help you answer the writing prompt.

This includes:

  Recommended vocabulary

Sentence breakdowns

Grammar explanations

Example sentences


Fun & Effective

Overall this book is a fun, unique way to practice your Korean.

It's perfect for beginners who know how to read and write, but would like more practice with understanding and creating their own sentences.

Even if you're not a beginner, but you'd still like to practice your sentence building, this book is great for you.

who made this book?

This book is a combined effort between three people: Chelsea Guerra, Katarina Pollock, and Yujin Kim.


Together the three of us make up Gooseapple Books: a small, women-owned business established in 2021.

To learn more about us, check out this page, or check us out on social media.


We also have over 80,000 followers on TikTok!

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Why'd you make this booK?

In 2021, Chelsea and Katarina came across all these fun English writing prompt books and we thought;

"why doesn't this exist in Korean?"

This lead to a year-long project which became Writing Conversational Korean (our intermediate book series).

Yujin came on board to help with the book design and illustrations, and provide her language assistance.

After we published Writing Conversational Korean (Intermediate), we had a lot of people contact us and say;

"that book looks great - but I can't use it yet. Do you have something for beginners?"

That led us to another year long-project which ultimately became this book:

Writing Conversational Korean For Beginners!

We thought long and hard about how to design it for beginners, and it was a huge group effort to pull it off. 

But we're really proud of how it turned out.

♡ We hope you like it ♡



"I got two PDFs for beginners: Conversational Korean Grammar and Writing Conversational Korean For Beginners. I use both books simultaneously.

I was so surprisingly shocked by the visuals and details and the teaching approach of the books. The illustrations are beautiful and captivating. Everything is color coded and easier to learn for visual learners like me. The rules are greatly explained. Most importantly the books teach you in such a way to write naturally and you learn how to use complex, connecting sentences from the start.


I used many other textbooks before and my main issue as a beginner that I may know many words but I could never write a cohesive, beautiful paragraph that sounds “smart”. I believe that even beginners should be taught how to write beautifully. And those books teach you that."


- Nastya Zhukova

December 30th, 2022

Sample Pages: Chapter One

Complete Chapter List

  1. 무슨 일을 하세요?      
    What do you do for work? / What’s your job?

  2. 어떤 계절을 가장 좋아하세요?      
    What’s your favorite season?

  3. 취미가 뭐예요?      
    What are your hobbies?

  4. 베이킹을 할 수 있어요?      
    Can you bake?

  5. 무엇으로 하루를 시작해요?      
    What do you do to start your day?

  6. 한국에 가 본 적이 있나요?      
    Have you ever been to Korea?

  7. 여행하는 것을 좋아하세요?      
    Do you like traveling?

  8. 보통 건강을 위해 뭘 하세요?      
    What do you usually do for your health?

  9. 가장 싫어하는 집안일은 무엇인가요?      
    What chore do you hate the most?

  10. 제일 좋아하는 명절은 뭐예요?      
    What's your favorite holiday?

  11. 요리하는 것을 좋아하세요?      
    Do you like to cook?

  12. 최근에 어떤 고민이 있어요?      
    What are you worried about lately?

  13. 어떤 종류의 음악을 좋아하세요?      
    What kind of music do you like?

  14. 보통 어떻게 운동을 하나요?      
    How do you usually exercise?

  15. 병원에 입원한 적이 있어요?      
    Have you ever been hospitalized?

  16. 이상형은 어떤 사람이에요?      
    What kind of person is your ideal type?

  17. 어떤 것을 가르칠 수 있어요?      
    What can you teach?

  18. 여름에 즐겨하는 것이 뭐예요?      
    What do you enjoy doing in the summer?

  19. 영화를 보면 자주 울어요?      
    Do you often cry when you watch movies?

  20. 파티에 가는 것을 좋아하세요?      
    Do you like to go to parties?

  21. 개와 고양이 중에 어떤 동물을 좋아해요?      
    Do you prefer dogs or cats?

  22. 싫어하는 음식은 뭐예요?      
    What foods do you hate?

  23. 혼자서 살고 싶어요?      
    Do you want to live alone?

  24. 아침형 인간이에요? 저녁형 인간이에요?      
    Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Get the Book!

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